lunes, 2 de abril de 2018

Presidents and Democracy in Latin America

Hace poco apareció este interesante libro, que contiene una contribución de este servidor, en coautoría con Jorge Morel, donde analizamos los casos de los expresidentes Alan García y Alberto Fujimori. Una ocasión para explorar el papel del liderazgo político para explicar el rumbo político de nuestros países.

En palabras de la colega Mariana Llanos, "Written by renowned specialists and country experts, Presidents and Democracy in Latin America appropriately acknowledges the equal importance of political institutions, governmental constructions, and leadership traits in shaping political processes and policy decisions in contemporary Latin America. The authors analyze three decades of unprecedented democratic continuity in the region, where established presidential institutions alternatively coexist with a great deal of political innovation and long-term traditions of strong personal rule. Presidents and Democracy in Latin America represents a groundbreaking contribution to the study of presidentialism in Latin America".

Presidents and Democracy in Latin America
Edited by Manuel Alcántara, Jean Blondel and Jean-Louis Thiébault
(NY, Routledge, 2018).

Table of Contents

Part 1: Presidentialism and Political Capital in Latin America

1. Politics in Latin America in the Past Third of a Century (1978-2015)
Manuel Alcántara

2. Presidential Leadership in Latin America
Jean-Louis Thiébault

3. The Character of the ‘Government’ in Latin American Presidential Republics
Jean Blondel

4. Political Career Trajectories and Social Backgrounds: Latin American Presidents in Comparative Perspective (1978-2015)
Manuel Alcántara, Mélany Barragán and Francisco Sánchez

Part 2: Personal Power and Institutional Constraints: Case Studies

5. Mexico. Zedillo and Calderón: The Challenges of Governing under Adversity
Marisol Reyes

6. Colombia. Political Leadership in a Turbulent Environment. César Gaviria and Álvaro Uribe Vélez Javier Duque

7. The singularity of Peruvian Politics and the Role of Presidential Leadership. The Cases of Alberto Fujimori and Alan García
Martín Tanaka and Jorge Morel

8. Presidential Leadership in a Robust Presidency: the Brazilian Case
Magna Inácio

9. Menem and Kirchner. The Two Faces of Peronism?
Mario D. Serrafero

10. The Presidential Government of Chile
Carlos Huneeus

11. Conclusion

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